Friday, September 21, 2012

Pandora's Box

I was talking with some of the other guests in the hostel. None of us shared our stories. I guess they didn't want to open up, and me... well, how would they have reacted if they knew about Judas?

James and Maggie. Those were their names. They told me that most of the guests left a while ago. They never bother the hostel, which made it popular for a while, but then everyone learned why.

It would appear that there's a Dying Man fragment here.

Apparently it's powerful. So powerful, it projects an aura that keeps Them away. When that blog post went up, and people found out, most of them left. Sal, the guy who runs the place, has practically become a pariah.

I don't care what Ivory says about my condition (she's the one who patched me up, by the way. Read about it on that other blog). I have to get out of here.

Tried to leave after I found out. I couldn't. I just... I couldn't. I opened the door to go, and my legs just stopped. He didn't say anything, but I could feel Judas in my mind. Now matter how hard I tried, I couldn't step out of that door.

So I locked myself in my room.

I can't leave. There's a box with a Dying Man fragment here and Judas won't let me leave.

God forgive me.


  1. Well, if they read their comments I advised them of the threat the second I realized the implications of where you wound up.

  2. Try and run suddenly next time. You might throw your shard off.

