Thursday, May 3, 2012

Guard Duty

The kid ended up having to be transferred to a different hospital. He attacked a nurse, and then someone broke in and tried to kill him. He's now in restraints with cops watching his room.

I had a shift last night.

I tell ya, hospitals give me the creeps. They're so sterile. It unnerves me. This one was no different. Especially with the kind of patients in the nearby rooms.

Yeah, it gets boring standing watch all night. I talked with a couple of the staff. There are so many people in this town who we've just completely failed to protect.

Across the hall: a woman who was nearly beaten to death by her own husband. There had been reports of abuse, but they were never seriously investigated. Not until he threw her out a fucking window anyway.

Two doors to the left: a guy who had his foot cut off by some Timberwolves. Apparently, he owed them drug money.

Down the hall: That poor college girl from that case a while back. You see, a couple months ago, there was a string of murders at a local college. This girl was the last victim. Shot in the stomach. She's in a coma, still hasn't woken up. Her boyfriend skipped town shortly afterward and dropped off the grid. Guess who's the prime suspect?

I swear, this town just gets crazier and crazier.

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